Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Human Being Is The Most Sophisticated Organism On The...

The human being is the most sophisticated organism on the planet. It feeds, cleans, and heals itself. It does have an expiration date however, that can be hacked or manipulated depending on the way, you as the steward of your body treats it. As I stated the job of the body is to clean and heal the body to increase the longevity and its quality of life. Now the body heals everything the same way, but its reaction depends on the structure or organ that becomes injured. For example if your body is cut, it bleeds, this begins the inflammatory process initiated by this â€Å"insult or injury† scar tissue is summoned to the injured area, and new cells replace the damaged tissue and within about 6 weeks the injured area is returned to somewhat normal, of course depending on the extent of damage. The key is to adopt a more holistic view, rather than focusing on small bits and pieces of your anatomy. And that includes taking your thoughts and emotions into account as well . The optimum aging scenario, says Andrew Weil MD, a pioneer in integrative medicine, is to remain as healthy as possible until we approach death, and then rapidly decline: Regardless, your wish to live a long healthy life. To do this, one must counteract the toxicity being ingested, inhaled, or exposed to the body. For the last 117 years, we have been under constant assault from environmental toxins, in our food, water, air, etc. Experts are reporting, that Environmental Toxins Are Now a Major Health Threat We are nowShow MoreRelatedOverpopulation Is Not The Problem1395 Words   |  6 Pages Overpopulation Overpopulation is a prominent controversial topic among society, in which some believe the exponential growth of humanity is detrimental to its future, whereas others conclude this theory is a myth due to human nature and resources. 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